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State Rep. Tanya Miller: "the state has an obligation to ensure the integrity of the case and the integrity of the trial." (8/22/23)

Excerpt from NBC News : "'The court’s power to ensure that its order is enforced will really depend on the manner in which the accused person has violated that order,' said state Rep. Tanya Miller, a former prosecutor in the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office. 'The remedy can be fashioned to get at that violation, and it can mean revoking a bond, it can mean just adding additional conditions.' [...]

...'I would think that if it’s a close call, the state may decide to not be so heavy-handed, just to keep their case clean and moving forward,' Miller said. 'But if there is a clear violation on all fours, for example someone has some audiotape of one of the defendants actively engaging in threats or actively trying to influence a witness, then I think the state has an obligation to ensure the integrity of the case and the integrity of the trial.'”

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